Drywall Finishing

Drywall Finishing

Numerous trends and techniques have emerged concerning something as fundamental as drywall, sparking interest and new buildings. These can range from the increasing popularity of specific types of drywall finishing to changes in drywall texture preferences.

As a leading
residential drywall contractor in Vancouver, our drywall finishers must understand how to finish drywall and how consumers want it done. Expert Drywall Vancouver keeps up with current trends, helping us maintain our drywall finishing services adaptable and our consumers happy. Let's look at it more closely, or you can give us a call now!

drywall tools

Choosing A Level of Drywall Finish

The goal of drywall installation and finishing is to provide a satisfactory surface. However, depending on the project you're working on, the level of service varies. Some finishes are merely functional, while others are luxurious and ornamental.

Level 0

There is no need for tape, finishing, or corner beads.

Level 1

We embed the tape into the joint compound on all sides, angles, and joints. We remove the excess joint compound from the surface. Tool marks and ridges are acceptable. This finish is typically found in non-public portions of a structure, such as a garage or an attic.

Level 2

When a water-resistant gypsum backer board is used as a tile substrate, Level 2 is sometimes required. Meanwhile, we immerse the tape in the joint compound and scrape it with a trowel or knife to leave a thin compound layer on all interior angles and joints.

A coat of joint compound is applied on corner beads, fastener heads, and other accessories. Ridges and tool marks are fine, but there should be no excess joint compound on the surface.

Level 3

Tape that is embedded in the joint compound, as well as one supplementary coat of joint compound, should be applied to all joints and interior angles. Moreso, we apply two separate applications of joint compounds to achieve a bridge-free and free-of-tool mark finish.

Level 4

Tape should be submerged in the joint compound on all joints and interior angles, with two distinct applications of compound applied to all flat joints and one coat applied to interior angles. Three different coats of joint compound are applied on accessories and fastening heads. There are no ridges or tool marks on any of the joint compounds.

Level 5

This level reflects the greatest level of finish and is ideal when gloss, semi-gloss, or non-textured flat coatings are used and when lighting conditions are harsh. It creates the most consistent surface and reduces the chance of joints or fasteners revealing through the finish.

Talk With Us

It's critical to complete your drywall with the end goal in mind. Otherwise, you'll waste time, effort, and money attempting to create an overly smooth drywall finish. Or you'll be disappointed with the end product if you don't put enough effort into it. With the professional help of Expert Drywall Vancouver, you will get the most out of your finishing sheetrock project, on time and within budget. Call us now!

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